Episode 32 - An interview with Dale Nirvani Pfeifer, Founder & CEO of Goodworld - Social Payments, Social Giving, and How Technology and Money Collide

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This week on The Philanthropy Podcast, Dale Nirvani Pfeifer, Founder and CEO of Goodworld, discusses how social payments and social giving. Dale touches on how technology is shifting the way that people interact with money, how that plays out in new forms of giving, how privacy and transparency are perceived differently by younger generations, how the giving patterns of these generations differ from previous ones, how our storytelling might need to catch up to new forms of content consumption and more.

  I mention it briefly during our episode, but I'll be changing the approach I take to social media for the podcast this week. Previously I had approached our social media as a marketing tool and definitely spent time trying to make sure the posts were clear, catchy, and impressive looking. I'll be taking a much more authentic approach from here out so my posts will take a step down in formality, but hopefully a step up in fun.

With that, please consider joining our Facebook community at www.facebook.com/thephilanthropypodcast or following us on Twitter at @PhilanthropyPod. You can also join our LinkedIn group by following this link and feel welcome to follow me on LinkedIn

Links in this week's episode:


Dale Nirvani Pfeifer: